Pointing the finger at others keeps us from making necessary improvements in ourselves.
So I am in a conundrum because I can not call out all those bloggers and whiners who sit around and nit pick at some aspect of the church that they simply cannot support or agree with.
I would be stunting my ability to be compassionate if I told them to get over the history already. Noted scholars have written books for and against Joseph, the plates, the Book of Abraham, etc. Every historian has an agenda. Neither books for or against are unequivocal. It will always come down to faith. You can't prove it. You can't disprove it. Do you believe?
What aspect of my character would need some TLC if I told those who are so annoyed by the "narrowness" of the church that there is a way to be orthodox and still come to your own conclusions about what you believe. When I was just becoming active as a 17 year old I had a teacher tell me that dinosaur bones were from other planets that were used to put together our earth. I knew the moment she said that that it wasn't true. This is a small instance, but I've had many where I have decided for myself what I believe on any given topic. So it becomes hard to sympathize with these people who feel they were fed a certain line by their teachers and leaders and then resent it when they realize that their teacher wasn't perfect and that they should have used their brain while listening.
How hypocritical would I be if I told the complainers to stop focusing on the negative!!! There is so much that is good and beautiful about the gospel and even the Church institution. What do you choose to be about?
To be fair, I have learned a lot from those who get a thrill from being a rabble-rouser. But it gets old. And I ended up in the same place where I began: I had to decide if I believed or not. You can choose to believe or not based on the simple gospel you learn in primary or in the discussions or you can research every detail and then choose to believe or not to believe. There is no difference.